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Cucumber Test Step time of execution in Java

If i have Cucumber scenario like this :

Scenario: Correct response should be returned.
    When User sent "xml example" request
    Then Response should have some data "

And for this first step in ma TestStep class :

@When("^User sent \"(.*)\" request")
    public void sendRequest(String requestName) throws Exception
       //code for SOAP request 

If service is not available, test will run for hours. I would like to stop it after some period of time. Any suggestions?

If your lib is not terminating request after provided timeout, you can use alternative approach with ExecutorService . The main idea is submit task with request to SOAP service to ExecutorService and then call get(time, TimeUnit.SECONDS) with timeout from Future.


Future<String> future = executor.submit(new SoapRequeset());
future.get(5L, TimeUnit.SECOND); //will throw exception if result not available after timeout

Solution with ExecutorService can be used but it was not acceptable for my project. I had to override method from my lib. This is what i did:

    public SOAPMessage sendSOAPMessage(SOAPMessage request) throws Exception
        SOAPConnection soapConnection = SOAPConnectionFactory.newInstance().createConnection();
        URL endpoint =
            new URL(new URL(serviceUrl), "endpoint spec.",
                new URLStreamHandler()
                    protected URLConnection openConnection(URL url) throws IOException
                        URL target = new URL(url.toString());
                        URLConnection connection = target.openConnection();
                        // Connection settings
                        return (connection);

        return soapConnection.call(request, endpoint);

so when i called sendSOAPMessage my test step will break down after 5 seconds if there was no response in that period of time.

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