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Chrome Extension Development: Action on extension disable

I'm wondering if it's possible to have an action trigger when user disables/removes extension.

Possible actions: Show html page genre "We hate to see you go. Please check our website"

Would something like this work for this purpose ?

 chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function(tab) {   
     chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, {file: "myScript.js"}); 

with "myScript.js" holding the logic to execute on click.

taken from this post

edit : also found "No event will fire in case an extension is disabled or uninstalled"

might the onUninstalled event (from the API docs) not help me out here?

As you can see in the documentation browserAction.onClicked cannot be used for this task.

Since the only part of an extension that survives disabling/removing it is a content script, you can declare a content script that periodically tries to access your extension so a failure would indicate the extension is disabled.

Here's an example that displays a DOM element on the top of all open tabs:


"content_scripts": [{
  "matches": ["<all_urls>"],
  "run_at": "document_start",
  "all_frames": true,
  "js": ["ping.js"]


var pingTimer = setInterval(ping, 1000);

function ping() {
  var port = chrome.runtime.connect();
  if (port) {

function onDisabled() {
    '<div style="all:unset; position:fixed; left:0; top:0; right:0; height:2rem;' +
    ' background:blue; color:white; font: 1rem/2rem sans-serif; z-index:2147483647;">' +
    'We hate to see you go. Please check our website: ' +
    '<a style="all:inherit; color:cyan; display:inline; position:static;"' +
    ' href="http://example.com">http://example.com</a></div>');


  • This will only work on pages that allow content script injection. In other words, all except the browser built-in pages like chrome://settings in chromium-based browsers or about:addons in Firefox-based ones, the extension/addon webstore site, other extensions' pages.
  • Opening a new tab with your site will be problematic as content scripts can't access chrome.tabs API, and all other standard JavaScript methods to open a new tab will be blocked by the default popup-blocking policy, which can be manually altered by a user, though.
  • Of several chrome API available in a content script only chrome.runtime survives disabling an extension, apparently.
  • When you re-enable or reload your extension its content scripts aren't reinjected automatically into the open tabs! You'll need to do it manually in your background/event page script using chrome.tabs.query and chrome.tabs.executeScript. Search for examples on StackOverflow.

Hi You can also use this

chrome.runtime.setUninstallURL('http://myurl', function callback(id) {
        console.log("successfully uninstall");

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