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Keep window on top WPF

I have problem to keep Window on TOP ? I work with MVVM WPF

I have this code in ConfigRole Model:

if (!System.Windows.Application.Current.Windows.OfType<ConfigRole>().Any())
    ConfigRoleModel configRoleModel = new ConfigRoleModel();
    ConfigRole winconfigRole = new ConfigRole();
    winconfigRole.DataContext = configRoleModel;
    winconfigRole.Topmost = true;

Here the new Window is Correct, it is on TOP,

but after that, I want to show other Window on TOP from ConfigRoleModel , this is code ConfigRoleModel :

if (!System.Windows.Application.Current.Windows.OfType<ButtonListView>().Any())
    ButtonListViewModel buttonListViewModel = new ButtonListViewModel();
    ButtonListView winconfigRole = new ButtonListView();
    winconfigRole.DataContext = buttonListViewModel;

    winconfigRole.Topmost = true;

So ,here I don't have this new Window on TOP! I don't understand! it is the same code like the first ..

I try also with winconfigRole.ShowDialog(); and `Window.activate()

And the same Problem!

How can I fix it?


Set the Owner property the ConfigRole to the MainWindow (or whatever window you open it from) and the Owner property of ButtonListView to the ConfigRole window:

if (!System.Windows.Application.Current.Windows.OfType<ButtonListView>().Any())
    ButtonListViewModel buttonListViewModel = new ButtonListViewModel();
    ButtonListView winconfigRole = new ButtonListView();
    winconfigRole.DataContext = buttonListViewModel;
    winconfigRole.Owner = System.Windows.Application.Current.Windows.OfType<ConfigRole>().FirstOrDefault(); //<--
    winconfigRole.Topmost = true;

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