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F# - splitting list into tuple of odd-even lists (by element, not position)

Example: split [1;3;2;4;7;9];;
Output: ([1;3;7;9], [2;4])

I'm new to F# and I can't figure it out.
Can't use the partition built in function.

This is what I have so far:

let rec split xs = 
    match xs with
    | [] -> [], []
    | xs -> xs, []
    | xh::xt -> let odds, evens = split xt
                if (xh % 2) = 0 then xh::odds, xh::evens
                else xh::odds, evens  

Fixed code:

let rec split xs = 
    match xs with
    | [] -> [], []
    | xh::xt -> let odds, evens = split xt
                if (xh % 2) = 0 then odds, xh::evens
                else xh::odds, evens

*Thanks to @TheInnerLight for pointing out my errors: unreachable case and unnecessarily modifying odds

You can use the built-in List.partition function

let splitOddEven xs =
    xs |> List.partition (fun x -> x % 2 <> 0)
 splitOddEven [1;3;2;4;7;9];; val it : int list * int list = ([1; 3; 7; 9], [2; 4]) 

If you want a recursive implementation, I'd probably go for a tail recursive implementation like this:

let splitOddEven xs =
    let rec splitOddEvenRec oddAcc evenAcc xs = 
        match xs with
        | [] -> oddAcc, evenAcc
        | xh::xt -> 
            if (xh % 2) = 0 then splitOddEvenRec oddAcc (xh :: evenAcc) xt
            else splitOddEvenRec (xh :: oddAcc) evenAcc xt
    splitOddEvenRec [] [] xs

splitOddEven  [1;3;2;4;7;9]

Note that this will give you the two resulting lists in reverse order so you might wish to reverse them yourself.

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