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Getting current RGB color of Image

I want to change the Alpha color of image(script) component of GameObject .

But saving the RGB values of the object.

I tried the next code:

        targetObject.GetComponent<Image>().color = new Color32(

But (byte)targetObject.GetComponent<Image>().color.r returns 0 what so ever.

Any ideas?

The struct Color uses channel values in the range [0,1]. So, white is (1,1,1,1) and black (0,0,0,0). The color propriety returns a Color struct, not a Color32 .

When you cast float to byte , the result will be 1 if the channel is at 1, or 0 if is less than 1. Since you're using these values in a Color32 struct (which uses an int per channel in the range [0,255]), if the starting color is full white, you'll have an almost black of (1,1,1,1), if any channel isn't full on (ie <255 using ints), the channel will be full off.

Just change new Color32 to new Color and remove the (byte) cast.

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