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how to push data from html grid to mysql?

I am trying to push the data from this simple html grid into sql but I can't do it. in the beginning, I got the error that there was no index for the var impressions. I fixed that. when I use just the advertiser value I can push the data into mysql while with the second value, I can't succeed. can you explain me what I am doing wrong? Thanks in advance


    include_once 'con_ui.php';

     $advertiser = $_POST["advertiser"];
     $impressions = (isset($POST["impressions"])?

            $sql_query = "INSERT INTO data(adv, imp) VALUES('$advertiser', '$impressions')";

            // sql query for inserting data into database


     <form method="post">
     <table id="myTable" align='center' cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border=1> 


     <select name="advertiser" id="advertiser">
                <option value="">Select advertiser</option>
                <option value = "Brita ">Brita</option>
                <option value = "Sammontana">Sammontana</option>


    <td name= "impressions" id="impressions" >1000000</td>

        <button type="submit" name="btn-save"><strong>SAVE</strong></button>

There's a few things wrong here:

Firstly the $POST in

   $impressions = (isset($POST["impressions"])?$_POST["impressions"]:'');

Is missing an underscore and should be a $_POST

   $impressions = (isset($_POST["impressions"])?$_POST["impressions"]:'');

Secondly the browser won't recognize

<td name= "impressions" id="impressions" >1000000</td>

as a form field. If you want to pass on values that the user can't edit you have a few options. You can use a hidden field like:

<td><input type="hidden" name="impressions" id="impressions" value="1000000">1000000</td>

or you can use a text input and disable user input like

<td><input type="text" name="impressions" id="impressions" value="1000000" disabled></td>

here you have the details of the code that i am using to achieve for adding the raws automatically, have the users entering data and keeping the code editable

Hey thanks for your reply. Problem being is i need to have the user enter the date into the cell and and have and the content should be editable. in addition i'm having a button add row, to insert a new raw but doesn't work if use the form type as input. here you have the full code

include_once 'con_ui.php';
 // variables for input data
 $advertiser = $_POST["advertiser"];
 $impressions = (isset($_POST["impressions"])?

 // variables for input data

 // sql query for inserting data into database

        $sql_query = "INSERT INTO data(adv, imp) VALUES('$advertiser', '$impressions')";

        // sql query for inserting data into database


 function myFunction() {
    var table = document.getElementById("myTable");
    var new_client = document.getElementById("advertiser_row1").innerHTML;
    var new_impressions = document.getElementById("impressions_row1").innerHTML;

    var row = table.insertRow(1);
    var cell1 = row.insertCell(0);
    var cell2 = row.insertCell(1);

 <table id="myTable" align='center' cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border=1> 
 <form method="post">

 <select name="advertiser" id="advertiser_row1">
            <option value="">Select advertiser</option>
            <option value = "Brita ">Brita</option>
            <option value = "Sammontana">Sammontana</option>


<td><input type="text" name="impressions" id="impressions_row1" value="1000000"></td>

<button onclick="myFunction()">Add Row</button>
 <button type="submit" name="btn-save">Save</button>


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