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How can i use awk to ignore a comma?

How can I separate a comma using awk for the below

1, servername, url, Properties, hostname, version, os, application server.

I have saved the above line in a file called test.properties and using the following command

awk  '{ print $1 }' test.properties

and i just want the server name to be printed in the output, instead, it prints the whole line.

Should i use cut instead for situations like this?


$ echo "$txt"
1, servername, url, Properties, hostname, version, os, application server

Just set the field separator properly to a comma:

$ echo "$txt" | awk -F, '{print $1}'    

Or, as you say, use cut :

$ echo "$txt" | cut -d , -f1    


You could also use bash built-ins if your string only contains characters from ASCII 0x20-0x7f except backslash (\\) 0x5c (Note the caveats mentioned by Stéphane Chazelas about dealing with shell variables):

s='1, servername, url, Properties, hostname, version, os, application server'
IFS=', ' read _ server _ <<<"$s"
echo "'$server'"



Or by using positional parameters:

export IFS=', '
set -- $s
echo $2


function getserver() (
  export IFS=', '; set -- $1; echo $2
getserver "1, servername, url, Properties, hostname, version, os, application server"



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