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Sql query with cross join XMLTABLE

Help needed to extract the data below from XML messages. I have table which contains the xml message in clob data type. I am trying using below query but it is not returning any data . I need to extract all the values from xml message.

<iORDERS:iORDERS xmlns:iORDERS="urn:iORDERS-abcdonline-com:Integration:v1">

query :

select wor.batch_no,wor.web_service_no,x.*
  from web_orders wo
    cross join XMLTABLE (
          XMLNAMESPACES(DEFAULT 'urn:iORDERS-abcdonline-com:Integration:v1'),
            passing xmltype(wo.xml_message)
          MESSAGE_TYPE varchar(120) path './../../../MESSAGE_TYPE') x;

You need to provide the named namespace identifier rather than a defealt, and your column path is going up one too many levels:

select wo.batch_no,wo.web_service_no,x.*
  from web_orders wo
    cross join XMLTABLE (
          XMLNAMESPACES('urn:iORDERS-abcdonline-com:Integration:v1' as "iORDERS"),
            passing xmltype(wo.xml_message)
          MESSAGE_TYPE varchar(120) path './../../MESSAGE_TYPE') x;

  BATCH_NO WEB_SERVICE_NO MESSAGE_TYPE                                                                                                            
---------- -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         1              2 PLACED                                                                                                                  

Presumably you're planning on getting for information that that from the XML, and/or expect to have multiple nodes; otherwise, to just get the message type you could simplify to:

select wo.batch_no,wo.web_service_no,x.*
  from web_orders wo
    cross join XMLTABLE (
          XMLNAMESPACES('urn:iORDERS-abcdonline-com:Integration:v1' as "iORDERS"),
            passing xmltype(wo.xml_message)
          MESSAGE_TYPE varchar(120) path 'MESSAGE_TYPE') x;

or even, with a single node:

select wo.batch_no,wo.web_service_no,XMLQuery(
  'declare namespace iORDERS="urn:iORDERS-abcdonline-com:Integration:v1"; (: :)
  passing xmltype(wo.xml_message)
  returning content).getStringVal() as message_type
from web_orders wo;

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