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Is it possible to access underlying Xamarin UI elements using SkiaSharp?

In a cross platform Xamarin.Forms application, I would like to add a SKCanvas on top of other UI elements to allow the user to draw eg on images. I know it is possible to load an image directly into an SKCanvas, but images are not the only application I need.

A perfect solution would be able to load the underlying content of the page, including all of its UI elements into the Canvas/Surface, so that the user can then draw on it and save the drawing + underlying content into an image (probably using the snapshot method?).

Is this possible?

I didn't find a way to do this exactly as planned originally, but ended up doing a workaround that satisfied the requirements at the time.

I added a transparent canvas on top of my content, such that the underlying content would be shown through the canvas, but anything on the canvas would always be drawn on top. The drawings were saved and transmitted separately from the content and re-drawn when needed. On demand, when the user would need to export both together for a snapshot/share/export function, I then loaded the underlying content as image into the canvas and exported it together with the drawings from the canvas into a new image.

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