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How to get last successful build from jenkins job using hudson classes and groovy

I am trying to get the last successful build from a job in jenkins so that when another condition is meet details from that build will then be passed to another job. I am trying to use Hudson's Run class since it has methods to get the last successful build, but I can't get it to compile. Since all my builds have failed, for now I am using getPreviousFailedBuild() instead, but it will be swapped for successful build later. Currently I have this:

import hudson.model.Run.*

def lastFailedBuild = getPreviousFailedBuild()

currently I get this error message when I try and run my script

Caught: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: hudson7682146427918660061.getPreviousFailedBuild() is applicable for argument types: () values: [] at hudson7682146427918660061.run(hudson7682146427918660061.groovy:5)

I was getting errors with the import statement till I added the .* at the end, and I also tried calling the method like this: Run.getPreviousFailedBuild() However that would result in a no such property Run exception instead.

What do I need to have in order to access my previous builds Hudson classes so I can send on the info I need to.

使用execute system groovy script

def lastSuccess = build.getProject().getLastSuccessfulBuild()
import jenkins.model.Jenkins

def test_job = Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName("My-Test-Dev")


println last_sucessful_build_number

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