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Creating a list of OrderedDicts

I'm trying to parse this comma separated content which lists out some surveys for HiPS . Here is my code:

with open('surveys.txt') as data:
    text = data.read()
    surveys = OrderedDict()
    for survey in text.split('\n'):
        for line in survey.split('\n'):
            # Skip empty or comment lines
            if line == '' or line.startswith('#'):
                key, value = [_.strip() for _ in line.split('=')]
                surveys[key] = value
            except ValueError:

The gives me an OrderedDict containing the elements of the last survey. This is because the content of surveys is over-written after each loop iteration.

I tried to resolve this by creating an OrderedDict for each new survey , and appending it to a list , using this code:

with open('surveys.txt') as data:
    text = data.read()
    surveys = []
    for survey in text.split('\n'):
        survey_OD = OrderedDict()
        for line in survey.split('\n'):
            # Skip empty or comment lines
            if line == '' or line.startswith('#'):
                key, value = [_.strip() for _ in line.split('=')]
                survey_OD[key] = value
            except ValueError:

But this creates a separate OrderedDict for each comma separated value, like this:

OrderedDict([('hips_order', '3')]) OrderedDict([('hips_frame', 'galactic')]) OrderedDict([('hips_tile_format', 'jpeg fits')])

When, instead I expect something like this:

OrderedDict([('hips_order', '3'), ('hips_frame', 'galactic'), ('hips_tile_format', 'jpeg fits')])

Let's slightly improve your first approach:

  • separate surveys by double newline character,
  • collect surveys in list.

So we can write

from collections import OrderedDict

with open('surveys.txt') as data:
    text = data.read()
surveys = list()
for raw_survey in text.split('\n\n'):
    survey = OrderedDict()
    # Skip empty lines
    for line in filter(None, raw_survey.split('\n')):
        # Skip comment lines
        if line.startswith('#'):
            key, value = [_.strip() for _ in line.split('=')]
            survey[key] = value
        except ValueError:

will give us

OrderedDict([('ID', 'CDS/C/MUSE-M42'), ('creator_did', 'ivo://CDS/C/MUSE-M42'),
             ('obs_collection', 'MUSE-M42'),
             ('obs_title', 'MUSE map of the central Orion Nebula (M 42)'), (
             'Integral-field spectroscopic dataset of the central part of the Orion Nebula (M 42), observed with the MUSE instrument at the ESO VLT (reduced the data with the public MUSE pipeline) representing a FITS cube with a spatial size of ~5.9\'x4.9\' (corresponding to ~0.76 pc x 0.63 pc) and a contiguous wavelength coverage of 4595...9366 Angstrom, spatially sampled at 0.2", with a sampling of 1.25 Angstrom in dispersion direction.'),
             ('obs_ack', 'Based on data obtained from the ESO/VLT'),
             ('prov_progenitor', 'MUSE Consortium'),
             ('bib_reference', '2015A&A...582A.114W'),
             ('obs_copyright', 'Copyright mention of the original data'),
             ('obs_copyright_url', 'http://muse-vlt.eu/science/m42/'),
             ('hips_release_date', '2015-07-07T00:29Z'),
             ('hips_builder', 'Aladin/HipsGen v9.505'), ('hips_order', '12'),
             ('hips_pixel_cut', '0 7760'), ('hips_tile_format', 'png fits'),
             ('hips_cube_depth', '3818'), ('hips_cube_firstframe', '1909'),
             ('hips_frame', 'equatorial'), ('dataproduct_type', 'image'),
             ('t_min', '56693'), ('t_max', '56704'), ('em_min', '4,595e-7'),
             ('em_max', '9,366e-7'), ('hips_version', '1.31'),
             ('hips_creation_date', '03/07/15 12:00:30'),
             ('hips_creator', 'CDS (P.Fernique)'), ('hips_tile_width', '512'),
             ('hips_status', 'public master clonableOnce'),
             ('hips_pixel_bitpix', '-32'), ('data_pixel_bitpix', '-32'),
             ('hips_hierarchy', 'mean'), ('hips_initial_ra', '83.82094'),
             ('hips_initial_dec', '-5.39542'), ('hips_initial_fov', '0.09811'),
             ('hips_pixel_scale', '2.795E-5'), ('s_pixel_scale', '5.555E-5'),
             ('moc_sky_fraction', '2.980E-7'), ('hips_estsize', '87653'),
             ('data_bunit', '10**(-20)*erg/s/cm**2/Angstrom'),
             ('data_cube_crpix3', '1'), ('data_cube_crval3', '4595'),
             ('data_cube_cdelt3', '1.25'), ('data_cube_bunit3', 'Angstrom'),
             ('client_application', 'AladinDesktop'),
             ('hips_copyright', 'CNRS/Unistra'), ('obs_regime', 'Optical'),
             ('hips_service_url', 'http://alasky.unistra.fr/MUSE/MUSE-M42'), (
             ('hips_status_1', 'public mirror clonable'), (
             ('hips_status_2', 'public mirror clonable'), ('moc_order', '12'),
             ('obs_initial_ra', '83.82094'), ('obs_initial_dec', '-5.39542'),
             ('obs_initial_fov', '0.014314526715905856'),
             ('TIMESTAMP', '1490387811000')])

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