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SQL Repeat values where value is NULL

I have created a summary view and using following query to get results

    SELECT captain.Name AS Name,
      rides.date AS date,
      rides.tr AS tr,
      rides.cr AS cr,
      rides.cg AS cg,
      rides.p AS p,
      rides.oe AS oe,
      (((rides.cr + rides.cg) - (rides.p +
      rides.oe)) - rides.tih) AS short,
     rides.tih AS tih,
     ct.tr AS tr,
     ct.ca AS ca
   FROM (rides
     JOIN captain ON captain.captainID = rides.captainID)
     JOIN ct ON captain.captainID = ct.captainID

output like this

date      tr    cr  cg  p   oe  short   tih tr  ca
12/6/2017 20    10  10  2   3    4      43  1   88
13/6/2017 10    9   9   2   3    1      56  1   88
14/6/2017 20    10  10  2   3    4      43  1   88
15/6/2017 10    9   9   2   3    1      56  1   88
16/6/2017 20    10  10  2   3    4      43  1   88
17/6/2017 10    9   9   2   3    1      56  1   88 

But it should be

date      tr    cr  cg  p   oe  short   tih tr  ca
12/6/2017 20    10  10  2   3    4      43  0   0
13/6/2017 10    9   9   2   3    1      56  0   0
14/6/2017 20    10  10  2   3    4      43  0   0
15/6/2017 10    9   9   2   3    1      56  0   0
16/6/2017 20    10  10  2   3    4      43  1   88
17/6/2017 10    9   9   2   3    1      56  1   88 

because in ct table I have only two records for 16 and 17 June. How to force to show 0 when no records available.

Hope that I have explained properly what i need. Thanks in advance.

Use LEFT JOIN (left outer join) on the last line.

SELECT captain.Name AS Name,
  rides.date AS date,
  rides.tr AS tr,
  rides.cr AS cr,
  rides.cg AS cg,
  rides.p AS p,
  rides.oe AS oe,
  (((rides.cr + rides.cg) - (rides.p +
  rides.oe)) - rides.tih) AS short,
 rides.tih AS tih,
 ct.tr AS tr,
 ct.ca AS ca
 FROM (rides
 JOIN captain ON captain.captainID = rides.captainID)
 LEFT JOIN ct ON (captain.captainID = ct.captainID and rides.date=ct.date)

Join on date as well with ct table. Use case when to substitute blank values to 0

Try this:-

   SELECT captain.Name AS Name,
      rides.date AS date,
      rides.tr AS tr,
      rides.cr AS cr,
      rides.cg AS cg,
      rides.p AS p,
      rides.oe AS oe,
      (((rides.cr + rides.cg) - (rides.p +
      rides.oe)) - rides.tih) AS short,
     rides.tih AS tih,
     case when ct.tr is NULL and ct.tr=' ' then 0 else ct.tr END AS tr,
     case when ct.ca is NULL and ct.ca=' ' then 0 else ct.ca END AS ca,
   FROM (rides
     JOIN captain ON captain.captainID = rides.captainID)
    LEFT JOIN ct ON rides.captainID = ct.captainID and rides.date=ct.date

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