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referencing the instance id of an EC2 resource just created in Ansible

I am having a difficult time referencing the instance id of an EC2 resource that I have just created. After I create it, I would immediately like to terminate it. My code is below:

Thank you, Bill

- name: Example of provisioning servers

  connection: local
   - name: set_fact1
     set_fact: foo = 1

   - name: Create security group
       module: ec2_group
       name: ep2
       description: Access to the Episode2 servers
       region: us-east-1
         - proto: tcp
           from_port: 22
           to_port: 22

   - name: Launch instances
       module: ec2
        Name: server1
        Env: myenv
       region: us-east-1
       keypair: ansiblekeypair
       group: ep2
       instance_type: m1.small
       image: ami-1aae3a0c
       count: 1
       wait: yes
     register: ec2

   - name: Terminate instances that were previously launched
       state: absent
       region: us-east-1
       instance_ids: "{{ ec2.instance_id[0] }}"
     with_items: ec2

You need to reference ec2.instances[0].id .

It is useful to use - debug: var=ec2 task or run playbook with -vv switch to see detailed values of registered variables and check what properties are available for use.

If you want to terminate the instances just launched (assuming that their tags are specific) you could also use the exact_count facility:

   exact_count: 0
     - Name: server1
     - Env: myenv

As per the doc (highlights are mine):


An integer value which indicates how many instances that match the count_tag parameter should be running. Instances are either created or terminated based on this value.

and count_tag :

Used with exact_count to determine how many nodes based on a specific tag criteria should be running . [...]

It would give something like:

- name: Terminate instances
       module: ec2
        Name: server1
        Env: myenv
       region: us-east-1
       keypair: ansiblekeypair
       exact_count: 0
         - Name: server1
         - Env: myenv
       wait: yes

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