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Access ODBC Call Fail from linked table

I have a SQL Server view set up, which performs correctly when opened inside SQL Server. It's got groupings and pivoting in the view . It's essentially a matrix of 1's and 0's with some unique identifiers.

However, when I try to open the view from Access using the below steps:

Access > External Data > Link to the data source... > Machine Data Source > Selecting the DSN > Selecting the View to be linked > Select Unique Record Identifier.

...I get the message: ODBC--call failed .

If I then try and open it, I get the expected amount of rows produced, but each field is populated with #Name?

Any clues to what might be causing this? The ODBC should be fine, as I can open up all other tables and views from the same database - just not this particular one.

Also, if I push the results of the view into a table, and try and open the table via Access, I still get call failed.

It looks as if there's a character limit on the column title. 3x of my columns had quite long titles - after reducing these I was able to resolve.

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