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Sql how to get MAX and MIN Historydata along with corresponding user


I have this table with HistoryDate and User. I need to query Max(Historydate), User correspondind to Maxdate, Min(HistoryDate), User corresponding to MinDate for each ReviewID like this

   ModifiedDate |ModifiedBy| CreatedDate  | CreatedBy |ReviewId
  2/16/17 12:58 | Susan    | 2/7/17 15:39 | John      | 1
  2/15/17 13:25 | Sam      | 2/9/17 20:27 | John      | 2

I am able to query it using table variable but wondering any other way to get it.

Have a go at using sub-queries in the FROM clause to get each min and max. In order to get only the min/max for each review, you'll need to use GROUP BY ReviewID like so:

SELECT max.date AS maxDate, max.user AS maxUser, min.date AS minDate, 
min.user AS minUser
    (SELECT MAX(HistoryDate) date, user, ReviewID
    FROM HistoryTable
    GROUP BY ReviewID) max
    (SELECT MIN(HistoryDate) date, user, ReviewID
    FROM HistoryTable
    GROUP BY ReviewID) min
        ON max.ReviewID = min.ReviewID

Hi after few days of playing with script this worked for me.

SELECT ModifiedDate, ModifiedBy, CreatedDate ,CreatedBy,  crt.ReviewID 
     FROM   (SELECT  HistoryDate  CreatedDate, ReviewId,   [User] CreatedBy FROM HistoryTable 
        WHERE HistoryDate in (SELECT min(HistoryDate)  FROM  HistoryTable GROUP BY ReviewID )) crt
    (SELECT HistoryDate  ModifiedDate, ReviewID, [User] ModifiedBy FROM  HistoryTable 
        WHERE HistoryDate in (SELECT Max(HistoryDate)  FROM HistoryTable GROUP BY ReviewID )) Modi
ON crt.ReviewId = Modi.ReviewID
         ORDER BY crt.ReviewID 

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