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How to sign PDF with a x.509 signature/certificate

tl;dr: I'm looking for a CLI tool that can be fed with a x.509 file and an input PDF and out comes a signed PDF. Best scenario for NodeJS

Hi there. I'm getting a little bit frustrated. I'm looking for a tool which can sign PDF files using the command line. I do use an online service called handy-signatur.at (A service from www.a-trust.at) that generates a x.509 certificate.

I found a page that mentions several tools but it seems that all of them are out of date.

I tried PortableSigner in particular, but that needs Java 6 and I couldn't get it to work on Ubuntu (Server and Desktop edition) 17.04.

/edit: I can't get PortableSigner to work because Java 6 and 7 is no longer available and probably not even safe to use.

Is there any commandline tool out there to sign PDFs?

Thank you guys so much!

Seems PortableSigner do the work. 在此处输入图片说明

If you are worried about Java 7 support. Try it with Java 8, probably the digital signature functions still work because nothing important has changed between 7&8

Alternatively, implementing a signature program with Java using libraries like PDFBox or itext is relatively easy. Here you have a full example with pdfbox. Note that it has a main



java org.apache.pdfbox.examples.signature.CreateSignature 
     <pkcs12_keystore> <password> <pdf_to_sign>

You can write your own Java scripts here is the reference http://wwwimages.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/devnet/acrobat/pdfs/AcrobatDC_js_api_reference.pdf

var myEngine = security.getHandler( "Adobe.PPKLite" );
myEngine.login( "password", "/C/Users/username/Desktop/PrivateUser.pfx" );
var myInfo = {password: "password",
 reason: "SaveAs Test",
 mdp: "defaultAndComments"};
 cLegalAttest: "Certified using JavaScript",

As far as I could find, openSSL is the only maintained tool which might support inputting an x.509 file and a PDF in order to generate a signed PDF file.

See the openSSL man page for x509 .

I also found a PortableSigner2 project, but it also wasn't current.

PortableSigner is a tool to digitally sign PDFs with X.509 certificates.

It's a Java app so the installation of a compatible JRE is required (according to the website: 1.6 and 1.7).

You can refer the following link to get the detailed information for the same


As others have mentioned, the openssl command can do this but it took me a while to find an example. Here's the website with a good example:


and the commands in case the link doesn't work:

To sign:

openssl dgst -sha256 -sign mycert.key -out sign.txt.sha256 sign.txt

Where mycert.key is the private key of your x509 certificate.

To verify:

openssl dgst -sha256 -verify  mycert.pub -signature sign.txt.sha256 sign.txt

Where mycert.pub is the public key of your certificate (NOT the certificate itself).

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