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System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: 'Incorrect syntax near ','.'

I have created this code to add new records to the database however, every time I rum the code I get this error:

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: 'Incorrect syntax near ','.'

And I have no idea how to fix this error, I have looked online and tried different ways to fix it and none of them helped or fixed the problem.

The code is found below:

SqlCommand sdk = new SqlCommand("SELECT ([Id],[Title],[JobInfo],[DateSet],[DateDue],[WhoFor]) FROM Information_Schema.Columns FROM JobInformation", ConnectToDatabase);

SqlDataReader reader;
reader = sdk.ExecuteReader();

I believe it to be the first line of code, but I have no clue where the error could be within it.

I expect you mean something like:

using(var sdk = new SqlCommand(
    "SELECT [Id],[Title],[JobInfo],[DateSet],[DateDue],[WhoFor] FROM JobInformation",
using(var reader = sdk.ExecuteReader())
    while(reader.Read()) { /* process row */

However, you may find it easier to use a tool like dapper :

var jobs = ConnectToDatabase.Query<JobInfo>(
      "SELECT [Id],[Title],[JobInfo],[DateSet],[DateDue],[WhoFor] FROM JobInformation"

(which does everything including the open/close, and populates the columns into your own JobInfo type that you need to create)

However, you say:

I have created this code to add new records to the database

in which case you'll need to use insert , not select - and the ExecuteNonQuery method of SqlCommand (or the Execute method of "dapper").

For an insert:

using(var cmd = new SqlCommand(@"
    insert JobInformation(Title, JobInfo, DateSet, DateDue, WhoFor)
    values (@title, @jobInfo, @dateSet, @dateDue, @whoFor)", ConnectToDatabase))
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@title", title);
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@jobInfo", jobInfo);
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@dateSet", dateSet);
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@dateDue", dateDue);
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@whoFor", whoFor);


or with dapper:

    insert JobInformation(Title, JobInfo, DateSet, DateDue, WhoFor)
    values (@title, @jobInfo, @dateSet, @dateDue, @whoFor)",
    new { title, jobInfo, dateSet, dateDue, whoFor});

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