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Displaying text with '<b>' tags as html

How do I display my string that is: <b>test</b> as: test in my html page? I'm getting the string from my database, which was created with a wysiwyg editor.

I've tried using razor syntax:


But this doesn't work.

I've also tried using javascript, which didn't work either:

<div id="@Model.ID">
   <script type="text/javascript">

Both show the text as follows: <b>test</b>

Is there a way to fix my problem?

You need to place it within the Html.Raw() like below


This method wraps HTML markup using the IHtmlString class, which renders unencoded HTML. You can find out more about it here

There are two problems in your ID-naming:

  1. Don't use the @-character and
  2. Don't use the dot-character (.)

This seems to work well:

 var Model = { teststring: '<b>test</b>' }; $('#ModelID').html(Model.teststring); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.0/jquery.min.js"></script> <div id="ModelID"> </div> 

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