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How do I use null within a ternary expression?

I am rendering a page with react and react-bootstrap, with the use of <ListGroup> and <ListGroupItem> . The following is my code, and I'm trying to use bsStyle='info' when the status is not '1' , and leave it blank when status is '1' .

  {tables.map(table => (
      bsStyle={table.status !== '1' ? ('info') : ('')}
      {table.content} - 

It rendered properly but keeps getting the following warning due to validation of bsStyle:

Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop `bsStyle` of value `` supplied to `ListGroupItem`, expected one of ["success","warning","danger","info"].

There is a workaround to escape the validation by setting bsStyle={null} . However I can't get it works within the ternary expression. The following code will make it a string bsStyle='{null}' .

  {tables.map(table => (
      bsStyle={table.status !== '1' ? ('info') : ('{null}')}
      {table.content} - 

What is the proper way to pass {null} without making it a string?

EDITED: Supposed to be '{null}' and not '{null' up there.

Your ternary operator's second operand is off:


That evaluates to literally "{null}" . Try this:

bsStyle={table.status !== '1' ? 'info' : null}

Just use null plainly, do not wrap it in quotes. Here's a JSFiddle example .

You probably want to ommit whole bsStyle attribute in case status is not different from 1

   {...( table.status !== '1' ? {bsStyle:'info'} : {} )}

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