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Can't get pin object from local parse database

I am using parse for my iOS app and it works fine.

I wanted to implement offline feature so I am using pinInBackground to save PFObject to local database. But I can't retrieve it.

For my special reason, I've generated unique UUID for every PFObject pin name and used it.



    NSString *uuid = [[NSUUID UUID] UUIDString];
    [CustomObject pinInBackgroundWithName:uuID];


It returns success but I can't retrieve it.

Following is the query code to get pin Object .



    PFQuery *query = [CustomObject query];
    [query fromLocalDatastore];
    [query fromPinWithName:uuID];
    [query findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock:^(NSArray *objects, NSError *error)
             block(objects, nil);
             block(nil, error);


But objects has 0 elements always.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



This is the Pin object saved in parse local database.


The problem was the query for local database.

I've changed the query like this and it worked for me.


PFQuery *query = [[[CustomObject query] fromLocalDatastore]ignoreACLs];
[query fromLocalDatastore];
[query fromPinWithName:uuID];


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