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Scanning multiple files and printing them alphabetically

I'm reading multiple text files using Java and printing their directories and I wonder why the output is not alphabetically arranged?

Code Snippet (got it from the internet also)

File dir = new File("/home/dilapitan/Desktop/xml-parsing/files/");
File[] listOfFiles = dir.listFiles();
for (File path : listOfFiles) {


dilapitan@NT071855:~/Desktop/xml-parsing$ java Multiple 

Can I do it with the output being:


Thank you in advance!

To quote File#listDir 's documentation :

There is no guarantee that the name strings in the resulting array will appear in any specific order; they are not, in particular, guaranteed to appear in alphabetical order.

If you want to print them in a specific order, you'll have to do so yourself. Java 8 streams git you an elegant way of combining the extraction of the file's name from the patch and sorting them in a single statement:


Just another way to do it, but using the power of java8

List<Path> x = Files.list(Paths.get("C:\\myPath\\Tools"))
            .filter(p -> Files.exists(p))
            .map(s -> s.getFileName())


or even better

List<Path> x = Files.list(Paths.get("C:\\Users\\myPath\\Tools"))


Thank you to those who answered. I thought of a very simple solution:

File dir = new File("/home/dilapitan/Desktop/xml-parsing/files/");
File[] listOfFiles = dir.listFiles();

for (File path : listOfFiles) {

hahahaha my apologies everyone.

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