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Replace string on a line using sed command

I have following content in a file

return o.baseUrl="http://info.example.com/api/v1/",a.init=t,o.login=e(o.baseUrl+"login",{email:"@email",password:"@password"}

I want to replace info.example.com with api.example.com

Currently I am using

sed -i "s/^info\.example\.com.*$/api.example.com/g" /var/html/www/index.js

But this is not working. I don't know much about regular expression. Can somebody help me on this ?


sed 's/info\.example.com/api.example.com/g' file

^ anchor matches info\\.example\\.com at the beginning of the lines.

Anchors are useless in your case. Remove the ^ and $ from your pattern:

sed -i 's/info\.example\.com/api.example.com/g' /var/html/www/index.js

More about anchors here .

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