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Windows callback function in Golang

I wanna make push subscription to Windows Event Log in Golang
How exactly should I pass a callback function?

EVT_SUBSCRIBE_CALLBACK is the pointer of function, like

   PVOID                       UserContext,
   EVT_HANDLE                  Event

So, my variant looks like this:

func logCallback() syscall.Handle {

    cb := func(_ uintptr, _ uintptr, _ uintptr) uint64 {
        fmt.Printf("callback called %v", data)
        return 0
    ptr := syscall.NewCallback(cb)
    return syscall.Handle(ptr) // type syscall.Handle uintptr

I get successfully subscribed handler with no errors, but it still doesn't work. Any ideas why? Where should I look first?

When using syscall make sure the to include import "C" at the top of your file. Glad it helped you.

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