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CMake's ctest: image not found (possible rpath issue)

A CMake project builds and runs tests OK on Linux and Windows, but running the test program fails on macOS.

dyld: Library not loaded: libfoo.dylib
  Referenced from: /some/path/test_foo
  Reason: image not found

I can verify that libfoo.dylib is in the same dir as the test program test_foo . Running ./test_foo works OK.

CMake calls test_foo via ctest (located in another path). Calling by ctest seems to be what makes it fail, but if I try a command like this (working dir being /some/path ) it works:

DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd` /another/path/ctest

I assume that running tests with add_test and ctest without setting DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH is possible since I can just run test_foo with success, but I haven't had luck.

Here are the current relevant contents of CMakeLists.txt

set(TEST_LIBS foo)

add_executable(test_foo tests/testfoo.cpp)

set_target_properties(test_foo PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-DSELF_TEST")
target_link_libraries(test_foo ${TEST_LIBS} ${STUFF})
add_dependencies(build_tests test_foo)

add_test(NAME test_foo COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:test_foo>
  • I've tried setting/unsetting CMAKE_MACOSX_RPATH and MACOSX_RPATH before these lines, as suggested here :
  • I've tried adding the following snippet after the lines, as suggested here :

  • I've not tried using install , I'm not sure how to configure that for my project or even what it does.

Any known approaches or any obvious mistakes here? Is install worth looking at? I want to be able to run the test from the CMake generated ctest line in the Makefile.

CMake 3.5.2, macOS 10.12.5

Solved as mentioned in comments, thanks to @Tsyvarev

Original comment pointing to the cause of the issue:

I can verify that 'libfoo.dylib' is in the same dir as the test program 'test_foo'. - Really? Your executable is created under binary tree, do you have the library there? If so, why do you use TEST_DIR as working directory or as a RPATH, while it points to source tree (tests subdirectory)?

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