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How do I compare two objects in Java where the expected objects properties are dynamic

I'm looking for a way to compare objects in Java based on dynamic properties written in Cucumber/Gherkin format.

Has anyone implemented anything like this or knows of a framework which can achieve this?

Here is an example of what I'm trying to do:


Feature: Cucumber Feature 1

  Scenario: Test 1
    Given my micro-service is up and running
    When I submit something to my API
    Then I verify the response object looks like this:
      | property1 | value1 |
      | property3 | value3 |
      | property5 | value5 |


public class StepDefinitions {

    private ResponseObject storedResponseObject;

    @Given("^my micro-service is up and running$")
    public void given() throws Throwable {

    @When("^I submit something to my API$")
    public void when() throws Throwable {
        storedResponseObject = postSomethingToAPI();

    @Then("^I verify the response object looks like this:$")
    public void then(Map<String, String> gherkinMap) throws Throwable {
        ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
        ResponseObject expectedResponseObject = objectMapper.convertValue(gherkinMap, ResponseObject.class);
        ResponseObject actualResponseObject = storedResponseObject;
        Assert.assertEquals(expectedResponseObject, actualResponseObject);


public class ResponseObject {

    private String property1;
    private String property2;
    private String property3;
    private String property4;
    private String property5;

    public String getProperty1() {
        return property1;

    public void setProperty1(String property1) {
        this.property1 = property1;

    public String getProperty2() {
        return property2;

    public void setProperty2(String property2) {
        this.property2 = property2;

    public String getProperty3() {
        return property3;

    public void setProperty3(String property3) {
        this.property3 = property3;

    public String getProperty4() {
        return property4;

    public void setProperty4(String property4) {
        this.property4 = property4;

    public String getProperty5() {
        return property5;

    public void setProperty5(String property5) {
        this.property5 = property5;

Note - The Assert.assertEquals() clearly isn't going to work.

Any thoughts?


Ben :)

Override equals method in ResponseObject . In overrided method realize comparing logic.


As @Wietlol noticed, override hashcode method too. More about this you can read here In Java, why must equals() and hashCode() be consistent?

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