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How can I simplify (speed up) the selecting query from a database that contains more than 1 million records using LINQ

I have two models in my application: Clients from where the client name is taken and Payments where the information about purchase is taken from. In the result I get the list of every client's purchases in the time intervals - fromDate and toDate . But all this process takes too much time. Because the client's db is around a 1.500 records and payments = 0.5 mln. So how can I speed up this process?

public async Task<List<SomeModel>> SomeMethod(DateTime? fromDate, DateTime? toDate)
    var clients = await _db.Clients.ToListAsync();

    var totals = new List<SomeModel>();

    foreach (var client in clients)
        var payment = await _db.Payments.Where(pay => pay.ClientId == client.Id).Where(
            p =>
                DateTime.Compare(p.TradeDate, (DateTime)fromDate) >= 0 &&
                DateTime.Compare(p.TradeDate, (DateTime)toDate) <= 0).ToListAsync();
        var totalsByCust = new SomeModel{ Username = client.Username };
        foreach (var item in payment)
            totalByCust.Bcf += item.Bcf;
            totalByCust.Ecn += item.Ecn;
            totalByCust.Ecbt += item.Ecbt;
            totalByCust.OpenGl += item.OpenGl;
            totalByCust.JeyK += item.JeyK;

    return totals;

Make sure you have a navigation property on Payment to Client. Alternatively, you can load up all the clients into a dictionary since there is only 1500 of them. This is how you would do it with a navigation property:

public async Task<List<SomeModel>> SomeMethod(DateTime? fromDate, DateTime? toDate)
  return _db.Payments
    .Where(p =>
        DateTime.Compare(p.TradeDate, (DateTime)fromDate) >= 0 &&
        DateTime.Compare(p.TradeDate, (DateTime)toDate) <= 0))
    .Select(g=>new SomeModel { 
      UserName = g.First().Client.UserName,
      Bcf = g.Sum(p=>p.Bcf),
      Ecn = g.Sum(p=>p.Ecn),
      Ecbt = g.Sum(p=>p.Ecbt),
      OpenGl = g.Sum(p=>p.OpenGl),
      JeyK = g.Sum(p=>p.JeyK)

Move this code to a traditional SQL Statement using an SQLCommand. The Linq query is working line by line, and you get more efficiency when you use a batch query.

Combining the queries is probably the most straightforward thing to try:

public async Task<List<SomeModel>> SomeMethod(DateTime? fromDate, DateTime? toDate) {
    var totals = new List<SomeModel>();

    var clientswithpayments = await _db.Clients.Select(client => new {
        payments =  _db.Payments.Where(pay => pay.ClientId == client.Id).Where(p =>
            DateTime.Compare(p.TradeDate, (DateTime)fromDate) >= 0 &&
            DateTime.Compare(p.TradeDate, (DateTime)toDate) <= 0)

    foreach (var client in clientswithpayments) {
        var totalsByCust = new SomeModel { Username = client.Username };
        foreach (var payment in client.payments) {
            totalByCust.Bcf += payment.Bcf;
            totalByCust.Ecn += payment.Ecn;
            totalByCust.Ecbt += payment.Ecbt;
            totalByCust.OpenGl += payment.OpenGl;
            totalByCust.JeyK += payment.JeyK;

    return totals;

Processing it all in the query is trickier, but probably the right answer:

public async Task<List<SomeModel>> SomeMethod2(DateTime? fromDate, DateTime? toDate) {
    var totals = _db.Clients.Select(client => new {
        payments = _db.Payments.Where(pay => pay.ClientId == client.Id).Where(p =>
            DateTime.Compare(p.TradeDate, (DateTime)fromDate) >= 0 &&
            DateTime.Compare(p.TradeDate, (DateTime)toDate) <= 0)
    }).Select(cwp => new SomeModel {
        Username = cwp.Username,
        Bcf = cwp.payments.Sum(),
        Ecn = cwp.payments.Ecn.Sum(),
        Ecbt = cwp.payments.Ecbt.Sum(),
        OpenGl = cwp.payments.OpenGl.Sum(),
        JeyK = cwp.payments.JeyK.Sum()

    return await totals.ToListAsync();


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