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Get DB2 database name using SQL

Is it possible to find the database name of a DB2 database by querying the catalog metadata? For instance, we can find the columns of tables using SELECT tbname, column_name FROM SYSIBM.SYSCOLUMNS . Is there an analogous query that can get the database name?

I need this because I am running a query to get the remaining free space in the DB, across several instances. I would prefer to have the query itself tell me the name of the database.

Let's say my JDBC URL is jdbc:db2://hostname.company.com:portNumber/InstanceName . I need the InstanceName.

Running DB2 10.5 on Linux.

Try: values current server (for DB2 on Linux Unix Windows) , it returns the database name to which you are currently connected. Or select current server from sysibm.sysdummy1 if you insist on using the catalog.

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