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Angular 4 How to redirect page after logout?

I know this has been answered previously but I'm not satisfied with the answers given.

My problem is simple, the user want to logout.

If it's on a page that required to be login (set in auth.guard.ts with auth.service.ts) and the user logout I want him to be redirected to home.

However if he is on a safe page I don't want to redirected him.

I could use the AuthGuard but I don't want to reload the page, so no:


What's my option ?

import { Router } from '@angular/router';

constructor(private router:Router, authService: AuthService){}
  //toastMessagesService: ToastMessagesService){} if you have one


  if (this.router.url==="/admin"){
        //this.toastMessagesService.show("Logged out"); // display a toast style message if you have one :)
        this.router.navigate(["/home"]); //for the case 'the user logout I want him to be redirected to home.'
   // Stay here or do something
   // for the case 'However if he is on a safe page I don't want to redirected him.'

Please find following redirection code hope it helps

 import {Component} from '@angular/core';
 import {Router} from '@angular/router';

  export class LogoutComponant {
    title = 'Logout';


    private router: Router,

) {}

onLogout() {


you can redirect the user when he logs out to home like this.

import { Router } from '@angular/router';


export class AuthService {
    constructor( private _router: Router){}


About the rest, I'm bit confused... could share your code?

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