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How to redirect users to the last active page before logout after login?

I am using keycloak-angular for SSO.


And now I want to redirect users to the last active page before logout after login.

How could I implement this?

Does keycloak-angular have some build-in mechanisms for handling this?

将最后一个活动页面的路径存储在 cookie 中,并在使用“路由器”登录后将用户重定向到该页面

I don't think it has anything to do with keycloak-angular , all you need to use to achieve what you want is Angular Router , Angular ActivatedRoute and localStorage .
First of all your login and logout methods should have the ability to to store and read the last visited route, and you can use localStorage to so just that:

Inside your login service:

  logout() {
    this.route.url.subscribe(url => {
      // read the last visited route and save it to local storage
      localStorage.setItem('last-route-visited', url[0].path)
      // then logout

  login() {
    // read the saved route from local storage
    const lastRouteVisited = localStorage.getItem('last-route-visited')
    // then navigate to it

Don't forget to add the service as a provider in your component, because otherwise he won't have access to the last visited route.

Inside the component who uses the login/logout service:

  providers: [LoginService]

Now you can use the logout from your login/logout service:

  logout() {

Here is the link to a github repo for the full demo

You will also have to adjust the login and logout methods to your own needs, in my example I just saved a simple string representing the saved route to where I want to navigate, but in your case you may need to save complex strings to the local storage, you can use JSON.parse() and JSON.stringify() to do so.

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