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How to access Application Insights data using the Azure API format with AD authentication

I can't find an example anywhere! The format is posted here at the Applications Insights REST API site. It is only the format and no example. I think I was able to follow the format, but when I tried it, I got an error message of "Authentication failed. The 'Authorization' header is missing." Typically, to get this token, you have to register your app in Azure AD and follow that process. I don't have an app I need registered. I want to use their api/app . And the reason I want to use the Azure API format and not the Public API format is to get around the rate limit . We need to make requests about once a minute. Help!

According to your description, you need to create a Service Principle firstly, then use it to get API token message. Please refer to this link: Use portal to create an Azure Active Directory application and service principal that can access resources . You will get client id(app id) and client_secret. You could use the following script to get token(use Power Shell).

##get token
$result=Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://login.microsoftonline.com/$TENANTID/oauth2/token?api-version=1.0 -Method Post -Body @{"grant_type" = "client_credentials"; "resource" = "https://management.core.windows.net/"; "client_id" = "$APPID"; "client_secret" = "$PASSWORD" }

After you get token, you need construct header message. Like below:

    'authorization'="Bearer $token"

Then, you could use API to get the information you want.

Invoke-RestMethod  -Uri $url  -Headers $Headers -Method GET


If you want to use Applications Insights REST API, don't need to use service principle to get token. You need to create a API key. Please refer to this link .

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