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jsp tag inside javascript

i have objects of two classes which returning from servlet on jsp page.

public class Port {

private String portName;
private boolean acceptability;

//getters and setters ... }

this is my Components class which have Ports objects

public class Component {

private int id;

private String name,icon;

private List<Port> inputPorts;

private List<Port> outputPorts;

//getters and setters ...


this is my java script code

 <script> makeComponent("Menu", "image.png", "green", [makePort("input", true)], [makePort("output", false)]); </script> 

and i want to put object value inside script tag

i tried this but it is not working

<c:forEach items="${components}" var="component">                           

    makeComponent("${component.name}", "image.png", "green",
          [<c:forEach items="$components.inputPorts" var="inputPort">
                makePort("$inputPort.portName", ${inputPort.acceptability}),

          [makePort("OUT", false)]
</c:forEach>  </script>

is this logic correct? can i use jstl tags in javascript block?

exception was ',' after makePort function

i added: <c:if test="${!loop.last}">,</c:if> this code and it works

<c:forEach items="${components}" var="component">                           

             <c:forEach items ="${component.inputPorts}" var="port" varStatus="loop">

                makePort("${port.portName}", ${port.acceptability})
                <c:if test="${!loop.last}">,</c:if>

            <c:forEach items ="${component.outputPorts}" var="port">
            makePort("${port.portName}", ${port.acceptability})
            <c:if test="${!loop.last}">,</c:if>


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