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.net MVC scaffold template: Check if model contains property

I am trying to modify the template that scaffolds a controller, to check if the model contains some property, and if so, write the c# code to assign it some value. so in my template, in the part that writes the Create actionresult (post):

<# if (UseAsync) { #>
        public async Task<ActionResult> Create(<#= bindAttribute #><#= ModelTypeName #> <#= ModelVariable #>)
<# } else { #>
        public ActionResult Create(<#= bindAttribute #><#= ModelTypeName #> <#= ModelVariable #>)
<# } #>

    if (THE MODEL CONTAINS A PROPERTY NAMED "creation_date")) { 
        <#= modelVariable #>.creation_date = DateTime.Now;
    <# } #>

is there a way to do it?

Ok I found answer myself, not sure it its the best solution but its working nicely:

bool entityWithCreationDate = false;
foreach (PropertyMetadata property in ModelMetadata.Properties) {
    if(property.PropertyName == "creation_date") { entityWithCreationDate=true; break; }
if(entityWithCreationDate==true) {
        <#= ModelVariable #>.creation_date = DateTime.Now;      

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