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C# Class With Sub Class And Inheritance: setting value in inherited class

I am fairly new to C# so be gentle.
My end goal is to have a few different types of classes for inheritance (example below: Level ). These inherited classes do two things, have .Value property with different setters depending on the class, and a .Action method, unique for every instance so it is an override.

Question: how do i set the .Value property from a method on the class. This is the line of code (line 27) that does not work from the example below. And I don't understand why.

 Potentiometer.Value = Convert.ToDouble(data);

// Code taken from https://dotnetfiddle.net/YNJpjf
using System;

namespace Main {
    class Program
        static Device device = new Device();

        static void Main(string[] args)


    public class Device
        public class Potentiometer : Level
            public override void Action()
                Console.WriteLine("value is at: {0}", this.Value);

        public void HandleDataUpdate(String data)
            Potentiometer.Value = Convert.ToDouble(data);

    public class Level
        private Double thisValue;
        public Double Value
            get => thisValue;
                if (thisValue != value)
                    thisValue = value;

        public virtual void Action()


Give Level a protected abstract method OnSetValue , forcing each subclass to override it. Now the setter of Value can call OnSetValue before the value is set:

public class Level {
    private double val;
    public double Value {
        get {
            return val;
        set {
            val = value;
    protected abstract void OnSetValue(double val);
public class Potentiometer : Level {
    protected void OnSetValue(double val) {

You need to create an instance of Potentiometer.


You're trying to set value of class field, which is impossible, not of object's field. You have to make instance of Potentiometer inside the Device , if you want to do this , you could make method or change code logic.

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