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EXCEL VBA assigning values to multiple vairables

hi i am trying to insert a values from excel to mysql database. so my values are in row. about 20+ cells per row. and each cell must be inputted to a specific column in database.

what i need is a simplified code of what i have.

SQLStr = "INSERT INTO submitteddrawings(Team,Name,MgtNo,JobNo,DrawingNo,Status,Version,SubMo,DwgSheet,ReusedDwg,PCChecked, N1A,N1B,N1C,N1D,N2A,N2B,N2C,N2D,N3A,N3B,N3C,N3D,N3E,N4A,N4B,N4C,N4D,N4E,N5A,N5B,N5C,N5D,N6,J1A,J1B,J1C,J2A,J2B,J2C,J2D,J2E,J3A,J3B,J3C,J3D,J3E,J3F,J3G) VALUES ('" & e & "', '" & f & "','" & g & "','" & h & "','" & i & "','" & j & "','" & k & "','" & l & "','" & m & "','" & n & "','" & o & "','" & p & "','" & q & "','" & r & "','" & s & "','" & t & "','" & u & "','" & v & "','" & w & "','" & x & "','" & y & "','" & z & "','" & aa & "','" & ab & "','" & ac & "','" & ad & "','" & ae & "','" & af & "','" & ag & "','" & ah & "','" & ai & "','" & aj & "', '" & ak & "','" & al & "','" & am & "','" & an & "','" & ao & "','" & ap & "','" & aq & "','" & ar & "','" & ass & "','" & at & "','" & au & "','" & av & "','" & aw & "','" & ax & "','" & ay & "','" & az & "','" & ba & "','" & bb & "','" & bc & "','" & bd & "')"

as seen there are plenty and eye irritating variables. TIA

Try understand what below does - Creates a String for a specific range in a row. This is just on of many ways to achieve generating SQL statements for a specific range in Excel.

Option Explicit

Private Function GetInsertStatementForRowRange(InputRange As Range) As String
    Dim SQLStr As String, sValues As String, oRng As Range
    Const INSERT_BASE As String = "INSERT INTO submitteddrawings(Team,Name,MgtNo,JobNo,DrawingNo,Status,Version,SubMo,DwgSheet,ReusedDwg,PCChecked,N1A,N1B,N1C,N1D,N2A,N2B,N2C,N2D,N3A,N3B,N3C,N3D,N3E,N4A,N4B,N4C,N4D,N4E,N5A,N5B,N5C,N5D,N6,J1A,J1B,J1C,J2A,J2B,J2C,J2D,J2E,J3A,J3B,J3C,J3D,J3E,J3F,J3G) VALUES (<VALUES>)"
    sValues = ""
    For Each oRng In InputRange.Cells
        If Len(sValues) > 0 Then sValues = sValues & ", "
        sValues = sValues & "'" & oRng.Value & "'"
    SQLStr = Replace(INSERT_BASE, "<VALUES>", sValues)
    GetInsertStatementForRowRange = SQLStr
End Function

Sub SO45427529()
    Dim lRow As Long
    Const COLS_BASE As String = "E<R>:BD<R>"
    ' Below example is just for columns E to BD on row 2 of ActiveSheet
    ' You need to modify the Do-Loop to suit your useful range, assuming stop when it's empty
    lRow = 7 ' Start from row 7
    Do Until IsEmpty(Cells(lRow, "E"))
        ' Observe the output in Immediate Window
        Debug.Print "Row " & lRow, GetInsertStatementForRowRange(Range(Replace(COLS_BASE, "<R>", lRow)))
        lRow = lRow + 1
End Sub

Here are two examples of how you can create a function to wrap the Values.

Example 1:

Convert the values of the row into a 1 Dimensional array and use Join to create a string that wraps the individual values

Function getSingleQuotedValues(Target As Range)
    Dim Data As Variant
    Data = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Target.Value)
    Data = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Data)
    getSingleQuotedValues = "'" & Join(Data, "','") & "'"
End Function

Example 2 MYSQL:

This will allow you more flexibility when working with the values by using a Select Case statement to decide how the individual columns' data is formatted.


'1/2/2009  6:17:00 AM','Product1','1200','Mastercard','carolina','Basildon','England','United Kingdom','1/2/2009  6:00:00 AM','1/2/2009  6:08:00 AM','51.5','-1.1166667','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','20','21','22','23','24','25','26','27','28','29','30','31','32','33','34','35','36','37','38','39','40','41','42','43','44','45','46','47','48','49','50','51','52','53','54','55','56'

Function getMySQLValues(Target As Range) As String
    Dim r As Range
    Dim s As String
    For Each r In Target
        Select Case r.Column
            Case 1, 9, 10
                s = s & ",'" & Format(r.Value, "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS") & "'"    'Columns containing Date values
            Case Else
                s = s & ",'" & r.Value & "'"
        End Select
    getMySQLValues = Right(s, Len(s) - 1)
End Function

Bonus get Access Values string:


#20090102061700#,'Product1',1200,'Mastercard','carolina','Basildon','England','United Kingdom',#20090102060000#,#20090102060800#,51.5,-1.1166667,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56

Function getAccessValues(Target As Range) As String
    Dim r As Range
    Dim s As String
    For Each r In Target
        Select Case r.Column
            Case 2, 4 To 8                            'Columns containing String values
                s = s & ",'" & r.Value & "'"
            Case 1, 9, 10
                s = s & ",#" & Format(r.Value, "yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss") & "#"    'Columns containing Date values
            Case Else                                 'Columns containing Numeric values
                s = s & "," & r.Value
        End Select
    getAccessValues = Right(s, Len(s) - 1)
End Function


Sub Test()
    Dim x As Long

    With Worksheets("Data")
        Debug.Print "Test getSingleQuotedValues"
        For x = 2 To 5
            Debug.Print getSingleQuotedValues(.Cells(x, 1).EntireRow.Range("A1:BD1"))

        Debug.Print vbCrLf & "Test getAccessValues"
        For x = 2 To 5
            Debug.Print getAccessValues(.Cells(x, 1).EntireRow.Range("A1:BD1"))

        Debug.Print vbCrLf & "Test getMySQLValues"
        For x = 2 To 5
            Debug.Print getMySQLValues(.Cells(x, 1).EntireRow.Range("A1:BD1"))

    End With
End Sub

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