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Restore Rails callbacks after save(validate:false)

I have a rather complex business logic in a model with associations. I want to allow users to save incomplete (invalid) models for future completion. In my controller, I therefore call instance.save(validate: false) .

Here are the 3 models, that I have extracted from my application. The models may seen overblown, since I extracted only the relevant part.

1) Container model:

class Container < ApplicationRecord
    Languages = %w(fr en de it es)

    belongs_to :name, class_name: "Name", foreign_key: :name_id

    accepts_nested_attributes_for :name

    validates :name, presence: true

    # create an empty model 
    def self.create_new
        c = Container.new

        c.name = Name.new
        Languages.each do |l|
            c.name.translations << NameItem.new(language: l, text: "")
        end # Languages.each do |l|

        c.description = Description.new
        Languages.each do |l|
            c.description.translations << DescriptionItem.new(language: l, text: "")
        end # Languages.each do |l|


2) Name model:

class Name < ApplicationRecord
    has_many :translations, class_name: "NameItem", foreign_key: :parent_id

    accepts_nested_attributes_for :translations

3) NameItem model:

class NameItem < ApplicationRecord
    validates :language, presence: true
    validate  :text_validation

    def text_validation
        return if language.nil?

        errors.add(:text, :blank_text, language: language) if text.nil? || text.size == 0

Given the following sequence of instructions, I am at a loss why the last instruction ( instance.valid? ) returns true. It seems to me that the validation callbacks are disabled, but I'm not sure this is the proper diagnostic. Could this be related to the use of accepts_nested_attributes_for ?:

# create an invalid model (since empty)
instance = Container.create_new

# check that this instance is invalid
instance.valid? # returns false, this is the expected behavior

# save the model, skipping the validations
instance.save(validate: false)

# now instance.valid? will always return true, because it will
# skip the validations. How can I restore the callbacks ?
instance.valid? # returns true, but this is not the desired behavior,
                # hence my question

I tried to disable and re-enable the callbacks with instructions like the following, but to no avail.

[:create, :save, :update].each do |action|

[:create, :save, :update].each do |action|

So my question is: after having invoked instance.save(validate: false) , what instructions do I need to run so that instance.valid? does indeed perform the validation checks again and return false ?

Running save(validate: false) doesn't leave callbacks turned off, you must have some other code that runs after save that makes the record pass validation.

Check your before/after_save callbacks, and maybe post the model.


Using nested attributes for new records will give you validation trouble, it really works best with existing records as the association doesn't exist properly on a new record. There's a good explanation of this and a workaround in the last paragraph of this answer .

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