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psql loop in shell script

I need to read from a file.csv 2 values and make more then 13.000 queries in a PostgreSQL.

It should be very simple task as you may see in the code above, but there are some issues.


MSISDN=($(head file.csv | awk -F ";" '{print $1}' | sed -e "s/^/55/"))
APPID=($(head file.csv | awk -F ";" '{print $3}'))

NUMBER_OF_LINES=$(wc -l file.csv| grep -o "[0-9]*")

for i in $(seq 0 "$NUMBER_OF_LINES")

    psql -q -A -h VERY-LONG-HOST -U MYUSER -d DATABASE -p 1111 -t -c "select 'http://API-HOST/subscription/cancel?subscriptionId=' + s.subscription_id + '&phone=' + s.phone + '&enabled=0&statusId=7&notifyActionListeners=false&extraInfo=TICKET_NUMBER' from sbs.subscription s (nolock) join sbs.configuration c on s.configuration_id = c.configuration_id where c.application_id = ${APPID[$i]} and c.carrier_id = 2 and s.phone = ${MSISDN[$i]};"


when the code executes there is a error:

 ERROR: syntax error at or near "112940676229" LINE 2: and c.carrier_id = 2 and s.phone = 55112940676229; 

How can I work with multiples queries and close the connection in each of them before make another query, thus far how to solve the error showed before?

Example of the content in file.csv:


I would recommend you trying such approach:

create table file_csv (tel bigint, dk text, apid int);
copy file_csv from file.csv delimiter ';';

and then just join against it in your query.

update Thanks to @Charles Duffy

Might make it a temporary table ( create temporary table file_csv (tel bigint, dk text, apid int) ), if the intent is to be transient.

For both security and performance, I strongly advise using a different language for this. That said, to answer the narrow question:

while IFS=';' read -r msidn _ appid _ <&3; do
  appid=${appid%$'\r'} # fix DOS newlines, should they be present in your input
  psql -q -A \
    -h VERY-LONG-HOST -U MYUSER -d DATABASE -p 1111 -t \
    -c "select 'http://API-HOST/subscription/cancel?subscriptionId=' + s.subscription_id + '&phone=' + s.phone + '&enabled=0&statusId=7&notifyActionListeners=false&extraInfo=TICKET_NUMBER' from sbs.subscription s (nolock) join sbs.configuration c on s.configuration_id = c.configuration_id where c.application_id = $appid and c.carrier_id = 2 and s.phone = $msidn;"
done 3< file.csv

That said, a less-awful Python implementation might look like:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import csv
import sys
import psycopg2

  sbs.subscription s (nolock)
  join sbs.configuration c on s.configuration_id = c.configuration_id
  c.application_id = %(appid)s
  and c.carrier_id = 2
  and s.phone = %(msidn)s

# user is expected to pass CSV file name as our first argument
filename = sys.argv[1]

# user is expected to pass a PostgreSQL connect string as our second argument
conn = psycopg2.connect(sys.argv[2])

curs = conn.cursor()

with open(filename, 'rb') as csv_file:
  csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=';')
  for csv_row in csv_reader:
    msidn = csv_row[0]
    appid = csv_row[2]
    curs.execute(query, {"msidn": msidn, "appid": appid})
    for result_row in curs.fetchall():
      sid = result_row[0]
      phone = result_row[1]
      print 'http://API-HOST/subscription/cancel?subscriptionId=' + sid + '&phone=' + phone + '&enabled=0&statusId=7&notifyActionListeners=false&extraInfo=TICKET_NUMBER'

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