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Qt Debugger Freezes With OpenCV


If I don't include cv::Mat test; then the debugger works fine. The inclusion of that 1 line, for some reason, kills the Qt debugger.


  • The variables view forever loads
  • The coded program freezes - you cannot stop, start or step anything
  • The editor functions normally
  • Breakpoints become unremovable until you stop debugging mode
  • After 40 seconds you're given the option to stop the debugger, inferring that it may be in an infinite loop - this (or closing Qt) is the only way to stop the debugger
  • Running the code in runtime works as expected
  • Running the code without breakpoints works as expected

I'm not doing anything fancy (to my knowledge), so the settings should be the defaults on installation.

Version info:

  • Qt Creator 4.2.1
  • Based on Qt 5.8.0 (MSVC 2015, 32 bit)
  • From revision 7071b61e02

I can't work with this anymore! Its slowed the debugging process down to a crawl just finding where the bugs are. The problem seems to be new, having only just started a few days ago. What's going on? How can I bring the debugger back to life without reinstalling Qt? Thanks in advance!

It's not OpenCV only. I have the same problem on Windows. the Windows Debugger (WinDbg) is horribly bad. Many times it freezes like you're describing and takes forever with that irritating waiting spinner. It's not even possible to view the value of a boost::filesystem::path . Some times it doesn't even show variables that are there (like this sometimes), and when I expand it in Qt Creator, they appear empty.

Therefore, I decided not to do hardcore debugging on Windows anymore. What I do, is do very shallow debugging on Windows, and hardcore debugging I do on Linux, with gcc and gdb. I have a virtual machine (VM Ware) that I use for this.

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