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JAXB marshall List<String> JSON?

I am using JAXB (MoXY) for marshalling/unmarshalling my data in XML and JSON both.

I have a List<String> wrapped in a class which I want send over the wire:

@XmlRootElement(name = "carList")
public class CarsList {

    protected List<String> cars;

    public List<String> getCars() {
        if (cars == null) {
            cars = new ArrayList<String>();
        return cars;

    public void addCar(String carId) {
        if (cars == null) {
            cars = new ArrayList<String>();
        if (carId != null) {

    public void setCars(List<String> cars) {
        this.cars = cars;

The XML is coming as expected:

<prefix:carList xmlns:prefix="http://www....some prefix namespace...">car1 car2 car3</prefix:carList>

But the JSON I am getting is:

   "prefix:carList" :  "car1 car2 car3"

My JSON marshaller properties:

marshaller.setProperty(MarshallerProperties.MEDIA_TYPE, "application/json");
marshaller.setProperty(MarshallerProperties.JSON_INCLUDE_ROOT, true);
marshaller.setProperty(MarshallerProperties.JSON_MARSHAL_EMPTY_COLLECTIONS, false);

But I want my JSON like:

   "prefix:carList" : [ "car1", "car2", "car3" ]

I am new to JAXB. What changes do I need to make my JSON as desired ?? I am open to modifying my domain class CarsList

Adding @XmlList annotation on the list element, also adds its key-name ( cars ) like:

"prefix:carsList" : {
      "cars" : ["car1", "car2", "car3"]

which is not desired.

Any help is appreciated.


marshaller.setProperty(MarshallerProperties.JSON_WRAPPER_AS_ARRAY_NAME, true);

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