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Node.js call callback function inside for loop

I am trying to call a function inside a for loop and the problem is that the function is called after the loop was finished.

Taking the below as an example, it prints to the console:

Instead of

report.forEach(item => {
  item.runs.forEach(run => {
    waComplianceBusiness(req, run.id, (err, res) => {
      const compliance = res.data.overviews[0].compliance;
      var failureList = [];

      compliance.forEach((rule, index) => {
        waRuleOverview(req, run.id, rule.id, (err, res) => {
          // handle the response

How can I fix this?

Please let me know if I need to provide additional information

Here is the complete code:

export default (req, callback) => {
  const report = req.body.webAudits;

  if(report.length > 0) {
    report.forEach(item => {
      item.runs.forEach(run => {
        waComplianceBusiness(req, run.id, (err, res) => {
          const compliance = res.data.overviews[0].compliance;
          if(compliance) {
            var failureList = [];
            compliance.forEach((rule, index) => {
              if(rule.pagesFailed > 0) {
                waRuleOverview(req, run.id, rule.id, (err, res) => {
                  const failedConditions = res.data.failedConditions;
                  const ruleName = res.data.ruleName;

                  failedConditions.forEach((condition, failedIndex) => {
                    const request = {
                      itemId: condition.conditionResult.id,
                      itemType: condition.conditionResult.idType,
                      parentId: condition.conditionResult.parentId,
                      parentType: condition.conditionResult.parentType
                    const body = {
                      runId: run.id,
                      ruleId: rule.id,
                      payload: request

                    waConditionOverview(req, body, (err, res) => {
                      const description = res.data.description;
                      const conditionValues = res.data.conditionValues[0];
                      var actualValue = conditionValues.value;

                      if(actualValue == "") {
                        actualValue = 'empty';

                      if(description.idType == "variable") {
                        var failureObj = {
                          ruleName: ruleName,
                          expected: description.name + ' ' + description.matcher + ' ' + description.expected[0],
                          actual: description.name + ' ' + description.matcher + ' ' + actualValue
                      else if(description.idType == "tag") {
                        var failureObj = {
                          ruleName: ruleName,
                          expected: description.name + '\n' + description.matcher,
                          actual: actualValue
              if(key + 1 == compliance.length) {

These are the callback functions:

export function waComplianceBusiness(req, runId, callback) {
  const apiToken = req.currentUser.apiToken;
  const payload = {
    'Authorization': 'api_key ' + apiToken

  const options = {
    'method': 'get',
    'gzip': true,
    'headers': payload,
    'content-type': 'application/json',
    'json': true,
    'url': 'api_url'

  request(options, (error, response, body) => {
    callback(null, body);

export function waRuleOverview(req, runId, ruleId, callback) {
  const apiToken = req.currentUser.apiToken;
  const payload = {
    'Authorization': 'api_key ' + apiToken

  const options = {
    'method': 'get',
    'gzip': true,
    'headers': payload,
    'content-type': 'application/json',
    'json': true,
    'url': 'api_url'

  request(options, (error, response, body) => {
    callback(null, body);

export function waConditionOverview(req, body, callback) {
  const apiToken = req.currentUser.apiToken;
  const payload = {
    'Authorization': 'api_key ' + apiToken

  const options = {
    'method': 'post',
    'gzip': true,
    'headers': payload,
    'body': body.payload,
    'content-type': 'application/json',
    'json': true,
    'url': 'api_url'

  request(options, (error, response, body) => {
    callback(null, body);

My goal is to return the failureList array after the loop over the compliance array is done

I found a similar question here but not sure if that would work in my case and I don't really know how to implement the promises

The for loop executes the statements inside the scope sequentially. But it does not wait for the the function calls to complete, it continues with the next statement(ie works asynchronously). That is why the result is as such. You can make it work synchronously using Promises or by using the async module.

As it is not clear what you are going to perform in the function call and what you want the statements to do, I am not able to suggest either of which. . asyn.each is usually preferred for making the for loop execute synchronously. And promises are used when you want to wait for the function to finish executing and then perform operation. You might want to look at their documentation



Thank you, Ragul

If you want to do it in sequence use async.eachOfSeries

   async.eachOfSeries(report, function(item, index, eachOfCallback1){

       async.eachOfSeries(item.runs, function(run, index, eachOfCallback2){

          waComplianceBusiness(req, run.id, (err, res) => {

              var failureList = [];
              async.eachOfSeries(compliance, function(rule, index, eachOfCallback3){

                 waRuleOverview(req, run.id, rule.id, (err, res) => {
                     return eachOfCallback3(err);

               }, function(err){
                    return eachOfCallback2(err);
                 else return eachOfCallback2();

        }, function(err){
              return eachOfCallback1(err);
           else return eachOfCallback1();
    }, function(err){
       // handle final response  

If you want to optimise the process take a look at async.parallel

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