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how add css and js to spring boot application?

I try to add CSS to my HTML page in Spring Boot using Thymeleaf, added the CSS file in static folder and linked it that way:

<link rel="stylesheet" th:href="@{/css/home.css}" href="../../css/home.css" />

but it doesn't work.

I wanted to stop accessing CSS and js in the URL so I added this method to my security configuration:

public void configure(WebSecurity web) throws Exception {
      .antMatchers("/resources/static/**"); // #3

Can anyone tell me what's my error or if any configuration needed?

.css and .js are static resources and Spring Boot maps it by default in your /resources/static folder

For example:

There is a style.css file that is located in /resources/static/css/style.css

If you want to access it throught thymeleaf add this to your html head section:

<link th:href="@{/css/style.css}" rel="stylesheet" />

Just an observation here, if your are using @EnableWebMvc annotation then you should map the static resources by your own configuration.


i wanted to stop accessing CSS and js in the URL so I added this method to my security configuration

All the resources should get access from browser otherwise the .css and .js will not be loaded.

If you need to get access to the resources only for authenticated users you can try the following configuration:

  1. Go to the /resources/static folder and create two sub-folders, One for resources for anonymous users public and other for authenticated users private .
  2. Put all public resources to the /resources/static/public folder.
  3. Put all private resources to the /resources/static/private folder.
  4. Go to your Spring Security Configuration Class and make your /private url private with this configuration: .antMatchers( "/private/**").authenticated() and make /public accessible for anonymous users: .antMatchers( "/public/**").permitAll()

Example for the security configuration:

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
                .antMatchers( "/public/**").permitAll()
                .antMatchers( "/private/**").authenticated()


Finally try to access the public resources, for example if you have a style.css file under public folder, then try to access it: http://localhost:808/public/style.css , the browser should display the style.css content.

When you try to access the private folder (without authentication), for example there is a private.css under private folder then try it: http://localhost:808/private/private.css . You should get redirected to login page, that means that you should login first and after that spring will let you to access to private.css resource.

Regarding to thymeleaf it is the same approach, for public html pages use the public resources: <link th:href="@{/public/public.css}" rel="stylesheet" /> and for protected resources user private soruces <link th:href="@{/private/syle.css}" rel="stylesheet" />

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