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Json data parse in swift

am new to swift code


this is my json after parsing I have to display on tableview, I can get the date, details,eventid properly but am not able to get the "eventImage" inside banner image I can try but am not getting that pls help me
this is my code
json calling function

if errorCode == "0" {

                            if let Media_list = jsonData["events"] as? NSArray {

                                for i in 0 ..< Media_list.count {

                                    if let MediaEventData = Media_list[i] as? NSDictionary {

       =====>>     Hear the problem    let imageURL = self.url+"/images/" + String(describing: MediaEventData["bannerImage"]!)

                                            eventId: MediaEventData["eventId"]as?String,
                                            date: MediaEventData["date"]as?String,
                                            eventname: MediaEventData["eventName"]as?String,
                                            bannerImages: imageURL



my tablview code

  override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
        let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "Media", for: indexPath)as! MediaCustomTableViewCell

       let  row = indexPath.row

        let media = Mediainfo[row] as MediaEvent

        cell.DisplayDate.text = media.date

        cell.DisplayName.text = media.eventName

         cell.DisplayImage.image = UIImage(named: "profile_pic")
         cell.DisplayImage.downloadImageFrom(link: media.bannerImages!, contentMode: .scaleAspectFit)

        // Configure the cell...

        return cell

how can display the "banner image" tableview

I believe problem is with the way you are accessing the banner image I think it should be like this


where i is index of your eventImages array

In your code you can do this:

 var imageUrl: String = ""
if let Media_list = jsonData["events"] as? [Any] {

    for i in 0 ..< Media_list.count {

        if let MediaEventData = Media_list[i] as? [String: Any] {

            let eventImages = MediaEventData["eventImages"] as! [[String: Any]]
                if eventImages.count > 0 {
                   let bannerImage = eventImages[0]["bannerImage"] as? String

                   imageUrl = self.url+"/images/" + String(describing: bannerImage!)


                eventId: MediaEventData["eventId"]as?String,
                date: MediaEventData["date"]as?String,
                eventname: MediaEventData["eventName"]as?String,
                bannerImages: imageURL




Working fine to me

 if errorCode == "0" {

                            if let Media_list = jsonData["events"] as? NSArray {


                                for i in 0 ..< Media_list.count {

                                    if let MediaEventData = Media_list[i] as? NSDictionary {

                                        if let image_list = MediaEventData["eventImages"] as? NSArray

                                         for i in 0 ..< image_list.count

                                            if let mydata = image_list[i] as? NSDictionary

                                                let datavalue = mydata["bannerImage"]as? String
                                                self.imageurl = self.url+"/images/events/" + datavalue!

                                            eventId: MediaEventData["eventId"]as?String,
                                            date: MediaEventData["date"]as?String,
                                            eventname: MediaEventData["eventName"]as?String,
                                            bannerImages: self.imageurl




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