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SQL Server Error 102 Incorrect Syntax near "

It's just telling me there is an error near ". Any help? Does that mean the problem is near a space? I've seen other people have similar problems with their error near '<' or ';'but not just ".

‍SELECT            CO.JCCo, CO.Contract, CO.PCO AS PCO, CO.PCOType, MAX(CO.COStatus) AS Status, MAX(CO.COApprovedYN) AS Approved, 
                                   SUM(CO.COContPendAmt) AS PriceAmount, 
                                   SUM(CO.COCostDollars) AS CostAmount,
                                   SUM(CO.COContPendAmt) - SUM(CO.COCostDollars) AS CO_Profit, 
                         PMOP.Description, PMOP.PendingStatus, MAX(PMOP.DateCreated) AS PODate, GETDATE() AS Today, DATEDIFF(d, MAX(PMOP.DateCreated),                                            GETDATE()) AS DaysOutstanding, (CASE WHEN (DATEDIFF(d, MAX(PMOP.DateCreated), GETDATE())) < 30 THEN 'Less than 30' 
                         WHEN (DATEDIFF(d, MAX(PMOP.DateCreated), GETDATE())) > 30 AND (DATEDIFF(d, MAX(PMOP.DateCreated), GETDATE())) <= 60 THEN ' 30 - 60 '                                    WHEN (DATEDIFF(d, MAX(PMOP.DateCreated), GETDATE())) > 60 AND (DATEDIFF(d, MAX(PMOP.DateCreated), GETDATE())) <= 90 THEN ' 60 - 90 ' 
                         WHEN (DATEDIFF(d, MAX(PMOP.DateCreated), GETDATE())) > 90 THEN ' Over 90 ' ELSE 'Less than 30' END) AS AgingCategory, 
                         PMOI.FixedAmount AS FixedAmount, PMOI.PendingAmount AS PendingAmount, PMOI.PCOItem,
                         (SELECT JCJM.ProjectMgr FROM JCJM WHERE JCJM.Job = CO.Contract AND JCJM.JCCo = 1) AS ProjectManager

FROM              brvJCCostRevChgOrders AS CO 
                                   RIGHT JOIN PMOP ON CO.PCOType = PMOP.PCOType AND CO.PCO = PMOP.PCO AND CO.Contract = PMOP.Contract 
                                   RIGHT JOIN PMOI ON PMOP.PCOType = PMOI.PCOType AND PMOP.PCO = PMOI.PCO AND PMOP.Project = PMOI.Project

WHERE            (PMOP.PendingStatus = 0) AND (CO.JCCo = 1) AND PMOP.Status <> 'VOID' AND PMOI.PMCo = 1 AND PMOP.PMCo = 1 AND (SELECT                                                        JCJM.ProjectMgr FROM JCJM WHERE JCJM.Job = CO.Contract AND JCJM.JCCo = 1) IS NOT NULL

GROUP BY      CO.JCCo, CO.Contract, CO.PCO, PMOP.Description, CO.PCOType, PMOP.PendingStatus, PMOI.PCOItem, PMOI.FixedAmount, PMOI.PendingAmount 

ORDER BY       CO.Contract, CO.PCOType

This part....

WHEN (DATEDIFF(d, MAX(PMOP.DateCreated), GETDATE())) > 30 AND (DATEDIFF(d, MAX(PMOP.DateCreated), GETDATE())) <= 60 THEN ' 30 - 60 '                                    WHEN (DATEDIFF(d, MAX(PMOP.DateCreated), GETDATE())) > 60 AND (DATEDIFF(d, MAX(PMOP.DateCreated), GETDATE())) <= 90 THEN ' 60 - 90 ' 
                         WHEN (DATEDIFF(d, MAX(PMOP.DateCreated), GETDATE())) > 90 THEN ' Over 90 ' ELSE 'Less than 30' END) AS AgingCategory, 

is missing a CASE at the beginning and seemingly has a rouge parentheses at the end.

Here is the corrected version:

    WHEN (DATEDIFF(d, MAX(PMOP.DateCreated), GETDATE())) > 30 AND (DATEDIFF(d, MAX(PMOP.DateCreated), GETDATE())) <= 60 
    THEN ' 30 - 60 ',                                    
    WHEN (DATEDIFF(d, MAX(PMOP.DateCreated), GETDATE())) > 60 AND (DATEDIFF(d, MAX(PMOP.DateCreated), GETDATE())) <= 90 
    THEN ' 60 - 90 ', 
    WHEN (DATEDIFF(d, MAX(PMOP.DateCreated), GETDATE())) > 90 
    THEN ' Over 90 ' 
    ELSE 'Less than 30' 
END AS AgingCategory, 

To get the full error message, copy your SQL code into SQL Server Management studio. Select the database you need and run it. If there is a problem with any character, it will show you below in the Messages tab.

If it's still hard to tell, you can double click the error and it will take you to the line of the code with the error.

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