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Inner Join, Select SUM and Where

Hi!! I need to search for the stock.id where the SUM of all pedidos.cantidad is >= than $sale

I've wrote this, but seems like it's not working:

     , SUM(pedidos.cantidad) as total 
  FROM stock 
  JOIN pedidos 
    ON stock.producto = pedidos.producto 
 WHERE pedidos.producto = '$sale' 
   AND total >= stock.cantidad 
    BY stock.id ASC 

My Tables: stock

ID | Producto | Cantidad


ID | Producto | Lote | Cantidad

stock.producto needs to be = to pedidos.producto AND stock.id = pedidos.lote So I need this: SELECT stock.id WHERE (stock.cantidad -SUM(pedidos.cantidad)) >= $sale AND stock.producto = pedidos.producto AND stock.id = pedidos.lote

Exactly, When I'm registering a new sale, I need to find the stock.id where (stock.cantidad - SUM(pedidos.cantidad)) IS >= $new_sale to put that stock.id into the new input on pedidos.lote

Its kind of difficult for me trying to explain what I need because I speak Spanish, please apologize me for this

Without knowing your table and data structures.. give this a try:

FROM   Stock
WHERE  Stock.Producto IN ( 
    SELECT  producto
    FROM    pedidos
    GROUP BY producto
    HAVING SUM(pedidos.cantidad) >= 100 // Your sale value

What this is doing is: Get all the Producto records that when grouped together have a sum > $sale then look for all the Stock.IDs which have the Producto's found.


FROM   Stock
WHERE  Stock.Producto IN ( 
    SELECT  Stock.ID, SUM(Pedidos.Cantidad)
    FROM    Pedidos
    INNER JOIN Stock ON Stock.ID = Pedidos.Lote
                     AND Stock.Producto = Pedidos.Producto
    GROUP BY Stock.ID, Pedidos.Producto
    HAVING  SUM(Pedidos.Cantidad) > 1000 --Sale Amount

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