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Script to retrieve OU settings

Does someone have a script that will go thru the OUs in Google Admin and return the settings for each group and subgroups?
I am looking for an easy way to compare the settings on multiple OUs.

Based from this documentation , to retrieve an organizational unit, use the following GET request and include the authorization described in Authorize requests . The orgUnitPath query string is the full path for this organizational unit. For the request and response properties, see the API Reference .

If you are an administrator retrieving an organizational unit, use my_customer .

GET https://www.googleapis.com/admin/directory/v1/customer/my_customer/orgunits/orgUnitPath

If you are a reseller retrieving an organizational unit for a resold customer, use the customerId. To get the customerId use the Retrieve a user operation.

GET https://www.googleapis.com/admin/directory/v1/customer/customerId/orgunits/orgUnitPath

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