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How to install Rose compiler on Ubuntu?

I am new to Linux. I have been asked to install rose compiler. I installed the dependency Boost by using

apt-get install libboost-all-dev

which installed boost1.58.0 but now when I use

apt-cache search rose

I cant understand which package is for the rose compiler from the list provided. I downloaded rose from the github repository https://github.com/rose-compiler/rose but I cant understand how to install it.

The ROSE installation process is a mangled mess. If you can, use their pre-built image . If you can't, I'd recommend running this shell script instead. Note that the part with downloading Java does not work, so before running the script download JDK 7u51 from Oracle and leave it in the Downloads folder (do not move or rename!) for the script to pick up. This was working as of ~1 month ago (July 2017). No guarantees if it still works.

Also note that the installation process takes a lot of time. The entire ~2 million line project needs to be compiled on your machine. After installation, don't even think about moving any of its folders or dependencies. Best of luck.

If you are using Ubuntu 18.04 or CenOS/RHEL 7 then you can install rose using apt/yum. https://github.com/rose-compiler/rose/wiki/How-to-Set-Up-ROSE has all the information regarding this.

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