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SQL Hide/Show rows based on row count from another table

I have a SQL question. I have two tables, tableA has 4 records, tableB has 0 records right now, but will go over 200 total records. I was wondering if there is away to hide the last two records of tableA if tableB is under 200 records?

What I got so far is very simple

    id, dateSlot, timeSlot
    tableA a 
    tableB b ON a.id = b.dateTimeSlotId;

I just don't know how to hide records based on another tables total records.

Can anyone help?

It is only an idea. if the tables are not symmetric you need to improve the logic.

declare @tableA table (id int)
declare @tableB table (dateTimeSlotId int , dateSlot date, timeSlot time) 

insert @tableA values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7)
insert @tableB values 
(1,'20170801', '00:00'),
(2,'20170802', '00:01'),
(3,'20170803', '00:02'),
(4,'20170804', '00:03'),
(5,'20170805', '00:04'),
(6,'20170806', '00:05'),
(7,'20170807', '00:06')

;with cte as(
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() over (order by id) rNumber, id, dateSlot, timeSlot
     @tableB b
      ON a.id = b.dateTimeSlotId)
SELECT  id, dateSlot, timeSlot
FROM cte where rNumber <= (SELECT case when Count(1) >= 200 then Count(1) -2 else Count(1) end  from @tableB) 

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