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Extracting text after certain characters in string in hive

I have multiple IDs for each row and I want to extract the number that comes after certain text in each row. Below could be my values in id column.

test123; tghy876; 8906; TT-1234
best123; tghy8656; 88706; TT-5678

I want output to return only numbers that comes after tt- so my output should be as below.


what hive code should be used to achieve this?

Using regexp - return first group of any number of digits after '; TT-'

select regexp_extract(src_string,'\; TT-(\\d+)',1);


hive> select regexp_extract('best123\; tghy8656\; 88706\; TT-5678','\; TT-(\\d+)',1);
Time taken: 0.056 seconds, Fetched: 1 row(s)

was able to do it using multiple split.


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