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Error while running selenium WebDriver jar on Linux (Working fine on Windows)

I am running a .jar file of selenium Webdriver java code on Linux server but getting below error:

A JNI error has occurred, please check your installation and try again Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/openqa/selenium/WebDriver

ALL the dependency .jar are added in final .jar file and I am using command : java -jar fileName.jar

It looks like its a clear case of missing selenium libraries in your uber jar.

The best way to check if your jar fileName.jar contains the WebDriver classes is to run something like this :

Here's an example

jar tvf selenium-server-standalone-3.5.0.jar | grep org/openqa/selenium/WebDriver.class
1305 Fri Feb 01 00:00:00 IST 1985 org/openqa/selenium/WebDriver.class

Depending on your uber jar building mechanism, you would need to ensure that you add up the webdriver jars into your uber jar.

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