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run a sub in all open MDIChild forms

I have a MDI windows application. The user has the ability to modify control properties (eg for colors). Every MDI child form contains a sub called ApplyMyUserProfile which sets the colors.

I would like am trying to find a way to immediately run ApplyMyUserProfile on every (open) MDI child window. I can identify the open child forms, but I don't know how to tell each of those forms to run ApplyMyUserProfile() for each form.

This is what I am trying to do ::

Private Sub ModifyUserProfileParametersInOpenForms()

Dim FormName As String = ""

' loop through all open 'MDI child forms

For Each frm As Form In Application.OpenForms

If frm.IsMdiChild Then

FormName = frm.Name

Debug.Print(FormName) ' this correctly shows me the open MDI child forms

' every MDI child form has a sub called ApplyMyUserProfile() ' this sub will modify the control properties (color etc) that relate to each ' form


' this creates an error "ApplyMyUserProfile is not a member of ' Systems.Windows.Forms.form


End If

Next frm

End Sub

' Thanks for any help!!

 For Each frm As Form In Application.OpenForms  

' loop through all open MDI child forms

        If frm.IsMdiChild Then

         If frm.Name <> "frmMyUserProfile" Then

            CallByName(frm, "Form_ReloadUserProfileParameters", CallType.Method)

            End If

        End If

    Next frm

'note 'Form_ReloadUserProfileParameters() is a public sub that must be on each of the child forms. Whatever is in this sub will be executed on the sub! (child) 'perfect!

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