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How to convert String to Struct (in Swift)

I have a struct like,

struct LoginConstants {
  struct Selectors {
    let testa = "test1234"

and a class like,

class Login: XCTestCase {
  override class func setUp () {
    // below constant will have a value like "LoginConstants"
    let localConstants = "\(String(describing: self))Constants"


... so here I have a struct-name as a string format in localConstants .

My Question is how I can access the LoginConstants properties from the localConstants string?

NOTE: I know I can access the LoginConstants() directly. But I am planning to create a parent class where I can access this ***Constants struct dynamically.

Thanks for the help!

Objective-C has the ability to do this, but Swift does not. If you give a class an Objective-C name via the @objc attribute, you can use the Objective-C runtime functions to access it by name. However, this is not possible with a struct.

It's probably not the best way to go anyway. A better solution is to rethink what you are trying to do, and access the struct type directly rather than by name.

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